
POST api/Dealer/GetDealer

Get details for the specified dealer. Authorization required.


POST api/Syndication/GetProductCatalog

Get entire HHT Product catalog for dealers represented by your organization for replication purposes. Authorization Required.


GET api/Syndication/GetSyndicationAccounts

Add or update a syndication dealer account. Authorization required.

POST api/Syndication/RegisterSyndicationAccount

Add or update a syndication dealer account. Authorization required.

POST api/Syndication/LogAccountConfiguration

Log SiteConfig JSON from website for better compatability support.

POST api/Syndication/GetDealerCategories

Gets all the categories for a dealer that has brands they are authorized to sell. Authorization required.

POST api/Syndication/SearchListProducts

Search all the products for a category with products that have brands the dealer is authorized to sell. Authorization required

POST api/Syndication/GetCategoryFilterList

A list of filters for the specified category. Used by "GetProductFilter". Authorization required.

POST api/Syndication/GetProductDetail

Get product details. Authorization required.

POST api/Syndication/GetDealerBrands

Get a list of brands the specified dealer carries. Authorization required.

POST api/Syndication/GetHHTBrands

A list of all brands HHT carries. Authorization required.

POST api/Syndication/ExecuteSyndicationRefresh

Executes a refresh of syndication data from Salsify and Sitecore. Authorization required.

POST api/Syndication/GetCouponList

Returns a list of active coupons eligible for the brands the dealer carries. Authorization required. Messaging tailored to dealer's brands.

POST api/Syndication/GetDealerCoupon

Plugin. Returns the requested coupon with messaging tailored for the dealer's brands. Authorization required.


POST api/Locator/Search

This method is the primary entry point for the dealer locator. All requests to the locator should go through this single api method.


GET api/LocationLookup/Find?zips={zips}

USPS database search. Get basic zip code location details for provided zipcodes. US only.